Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Become an Internet Millionaire (II)

OK, now what are the skills that you need as an Internet millionaire?


It’s okay not to be a leader when you are working for someone else, but it definetely NOT okay when you start your own Internet business.

In he world of business, leadership isn’t an option but rather than an obligation, and that applies even to the Internet. Just because you work from home doesn’t mean you don’t need to be a leader of some kind

So, what constitutes an Internet millionaire with good leadership?

1.The ability to communicate with other Internet business owner, experts, and specialist who are better than they are.

2.The ability to fix thins when they go wrong.

3.The ability to communicate with people.


If you can’t sell, you can’t make money. You can’t even call yourself a businessman of any kind in first place. Selling is the No. 1 skill you CANT go without even when it comes to online business.

When you write your sales letter, you’re selling. When you negotiate with other business people and associates, you’re selling. When you talk to your subordinates and professionals, you’re selling.

If you hate the idea of selling and you’re attracted to programs whit so-called “require” no selling on your part, becoming an Internet millionaire is probably not in your future.


Marketing deals with bringing your product or service to a worldwide audience. If you take a look at most of the successful Internet millionaire out there, most of them come from a direct response marketing background. Even the school dropouts and job-quitters learn marketing, in one from of education or another.


The ability to put in your money, time and efforts, and pull in profits manifold.


Business is about people and no people mean any business. Even though you are working from home, and don’t need to meet your prospects in person or travel long distances, you still have to communicate

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